Sunday 1 March 2015


where the hell I have been?

well in directorials for the second years, which I cannot wait to do next year but i need to decide on which ones

1) one who flew over the cuckoos nest
2)chat room
4) a clockwork orange (clock work orange is the movies a clock work orange is the theater version, it is a very common mistake made by those who do not know the different, but i don't think i am aloud to do this because someone in third years did it last year but i will see)
5) Nativity (yes i know i know what the fuck you are doing it after Xmas, but the version of the nativity does not really concentrate on the birth of Jesus more of how and why they had to go to the place where he was born, i am really stupid and that word i have added to my list of words not to use until i find a way to spell it, rather than why he was born and all that jazz)
6) ti's pity she's a whore

I have also finally got my equity card, and also could be having something really exciting coming up which i am not really aloud to discuss but yeah watch this space!

but for those of you who do not know what equity is, it just basically makes sure that a contract between a director and an actor is fair, they look after all ranges of performers but not musicians they have their own, i cannot remember what there's is called, it is really hard to get this card though. to get one you must have volunteered in TV or theater place for a certain amount of days, but you cannot do that without getting one. so if you are a performing arts student talk to your tutor because you might get what i call a student one which is connected to your college or uni. And i have also got like an agency for extras for TV and moves so everything is happening at once.

i have also been drinking......what i am a student after all isn't what we are meant to do? but yeah, its a place around the corner from here and the atmosphere is bloody amazing, on really busy nights from about 12-4am that's when the atmosphere is just brilliant, you make new friends or new quittance and we all just sing on the karaoke together, well i don't just sing i perform to, like last night i did sweet transvestite and i was performing it like i was on stage, i also did it to big spender and all that jazz as well as singing and performing the dentist song from little shop of horrors. i also downed three vodka cokes (the guy behind the bar puts it all into one for me so i don't have to carry three glasses with my t-rex hands) so i did that twice coz after a couple of sips i got bored of them (this is drunken Lorna btw she gets bored twice as fast as sober Lorna!) almost got into a fight with someone because his friend was wearing a Teenage Ninja Turtles costume with an orange mask and he was going around calling him Leo from the tv program and movies and i was like hold me drink gurls i got myself a noop, and told him straight, but towards the end of the night he realized and i got a free drink out of it.

so if there is one thing i have learnt over this past view weeks is

concentrate on myself when needed like directorial
be more organised
and know your stuff about super heroes like the teenage mutant ninja turtles, or come up with a good argument on why batman is better than superman (do not get me started other wise i will be here all bloody night and will have to post this for next week) coz you might just get yourself a free drink #thatshowyoudoit!
and just bloody enjoy yourself at anything from drunkenly singing and performing to songs to sleeping (both of which i enjoy with the up most content)

good night my lovely ginger lovers and may we speak again next week

wanted to put in a picture but the internet is being shit again! really sorry ;*