Sunday 11 January 2015


Hey my lovelies, 
I have not got a clue what to call this but i'm also sorry that I have not written in weeks, I had a band rehearsal on Sunday which was really wired it felt like a Monday all day and we were all confused as to why shops and other places were closed XD
 The following one I was meant to write, but it was the weirdest and for my step Father the worst Sunday ever (the one before xmas)!! It started off lovely it was my sister’s wedding anniversary so it was lovely until we here a knock on the door, I don’t know if any of you have experienced this, thinking someone has died due to the fact that you aint heard from them in years and then have you’re step fathers daughter whom you have not seen in about 17 years knock on your door and tell you that the person you thought all these years to be dead had passed away three hours prior of this visit! It’s so wired, I only meet the person who passed away once in my life so it has not hit me that much just seeing a man like my step Father fall to pieces and you ask hazel my step father is quite a big man he normally makes other people cry not the other way round. But yeah that happened so I decided not to write one up and I hope that you understand that at that moment in time it was not the perfect time to write on I need to be with him!
The following Sunday I had forgot to do one, but also I wanted to spend time with my older brother, he serves in the army and though he was back over the Xmas holidays he normally spends time with my younger brother (they both think the world of each other!) but he wanted us to do something as a family and we did and that to was more important than this (I’m really sorry if that has ovended ya’ll but family is important to me I have dropped important things that would help me get to where I wanna be for my family so if I need to do it with this I won’t even hesitate)  so that happened
The following Sunday was time to go back at flat (that’s what I call my flat and then home is at house I just like saying like that that’s all XD) the drive took longer its only meant to be about 1:30 hours but it took longer coz me and my step father wanted bacon but we gave up in the ned and settled for a subway XD but it was really late when I got back and I had to fix up my bike and tidy up my room (past self is an ass hole bloody left my bloody room a mess -.- and people came in it to change the stupid shower head which there were no point because it’s just as useless as the last XD) and catch up with my flat mates <3
This Sunday has been written by a less off a dick head past self its written by a past self that needs to write something before she explodes and knows that she is going out on Saturday and might not go back home till 5:00 am in the morning so wont be up till 1:30pm on the Sunday so ill schedule it for 12:00 because no one’s up before then besides my local alcoholics trying to cram in precious drinking time in XD
Anyways I hope you all had a better Christmas than I and a wonderful new year! What’s you’re new year promise? (I cant spell the other word it’s a weird one XD) I don’t make them I see no point in them for me personally they only last six months then I get bored and give up XD I dunno what else to write for this to be honest but I guess I never do XD oh and in future if I don’t post its due to the fact that I am trying to organize a youtube thing for my fellow peers her at uni its long and complicated but if we get it sorted ill tell ya’ll about it J

Ginger out 

Sorry I thought it was funny XD 

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