Monday 12 January 2015

I'm a Cliché in a song, and everybody's singing along.

Something's Gotta Give - All Time Low

Hey guys, it's Music Monday time again, and I think that this is the first Monday of the Year where you have gotten to read my wonderful writing. So sorry about last week. I did explain to everyone that I was feeling low and really didn't feel like writing. All of us feel like that sometimes, and some of us in this actually all of us have some form of education to attend to while we write this blog. So some weeks we may find it difficult to remember or find the time. I have an alarm on my phone so that I can remember but even I find it hard, since I am the start of the week, I kind of need to start off with a quote I guess. 

So this week I chose a line from a new song that actually came out today. I didn't know what line to choose so I chose one that I liked the sound of.

But anyway I'm going to cut it short and go for a shower coz I feels like it. 

Loves and Hugs



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