Monday 19 January 2015

Intelligence without Ambition is a bird without wings ~ Salvador Dali

Bonnie & Clyde (The Revolution) - Her Bright Skies

Oh look, Ryon is on top of a monday for once. 

I will probably keep this short and sweet because I have already done one blog post this evening on a personal blog, which is why I think it's been so hard to keep up. 

First of all I had 2 weeks off college, so that was like 9-ish days off give or take a few days. I still had to go to work and stuff but it wasn't too bad. But now I am back to my schedule of college, college, college, niece, college, work, work, repeat. Which indeed means I get hardly any time to myself, yet somehow, on a sunday night I have found time (while I am eating skittles and waiting for my hair to dry) to write a monday blog post to be scheduled. I am quite proud of myself. 

on Friday night I found myself quite down, thinking about having to go to work. but the next day I got to work and I realise, I didnt hate my job, I didnt hate the customers, I didnt hate the people working there, I was worried for nothing basically. The only downside is that it's not photography based and I dont really have time to do photoshoots with it. 

And that little paragraph has tied in nicely with this weeks theme, which is determination. Well that's what I got out of the quote this week. To me, it means that if you want something to happen then you have to make it happen. You may have the capability of doing it and the knowledge about the subject but that doesn't mean anything if you don't have the ambition to go for it (much like the bird without wings, without those wing, the bird can't really reach it's full potential.) 

well I think I am done now guys

loves and hugs 



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