Saturday 10 January 2015

Flatmates to the Rescue


Due to events in which my laptop split in half, and the following aftermath- I am unable to post the actually post I wrote this week.

So I am sorry for this very short version- in which due to an inability of me to think of much exciting to say, I am quizzing my flatmates for interesting things to say to you.

No. 1- Nathan- His interesting history fact that P.G Wodehouse (an author he has assured me- I am not so well read as Emily) used to throw his letters out a window rather than post them- in the hope someone else would pick them up and do it for him. Although, after further discussion Nathan isn't sure this is entirely true.

No.2- Heather, diverting from the history topic I gave her, has told me if you put both your fists together they are the size of your brain. Nathan assures us however this is definitely not true. He claims to have seen a human brain. I didn't enquire further.

My other flatmates are either not in my flat, or revising for a test. Nathan tells me he has another fact.

No.3- Nathan says Tycho Brahe (an astronomer? I don't know) had a pet moose who he got drunk, and then the moose fell down the stairs. I have no idea if this fact is true.

No.4- Heather- she says she has no more facts and can I please stop bothering her by insisting she gives me facts like an intellectual monkey. Apparently that is what google is for.

No.5- Google- Pinnochio is Italian for 'pine head'. I don't know Italian so it is up to you guys to use google translate and work it out!

So, for now I am done. I will be back next week (although I have a big Greek test so maybe not- but I should be!)

-Rachael xxx

P.s Heather says if you stretch out a french horn it reaches 200ft. Google says this is an overestimate an the length is 20ft. It seems I can't tell you anything actually true.

Heather also tells me the author George Sand (actually a woman) had an affair with Chopin,

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