Tuesday 30 December 2014

SORRY!!! :/

Hey its ryon, sorry that i forgot to post yesterday.

We will start fresh in the new year with some new quote and a better schedule..

I am writing this in the back of my brothers car on the way back from my grans, she lives in Hythe, Kent.

As i said i am sorry for not posting yesterday, i ended up watching a movie with my mother and drinking, so by the time i had straightened my hair and painted my nails (while trying to get netflix to work) i had actually forgotten to post and the busy day i have had, didnt remember until now. 

So its not my usual post and i am sorry i completely spaced for once on this blog. Ok so this weeks quote... Um... 

"Life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself"

Basically dont be a little bitch about things, do things that make you happy and stop thinking about what everyone else thinks. It's helped me for a few years now, i hope it helps you.

Song of the day, you will need to youtube it coz i dont have a link... I will put one in next week if i remember. 

Song: Second & Sebring - Of Mice & Men

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