Monday 15 December 2014

Dear Karma, I have a list of people you missed.

On The Brightside - NeverShoutNever

Hey guys it's my day again, I had a photoshoot at college and then I went to meet Emily and Rachael (Wednesday and Saturday) It was great to have a catch up and marvel in the fact that neither Emily or I could understand what Rachael was writing in Ancient Greek... she could have written that we were dickheads and we probably would believe that she had written that we were her friends. OK I joke, she didn't write that.... but she could have, just saying.

So that paragraph was just so I could finish my blackcurrant tea... when it gets colder it starts to taste funny :/... I don't think I like it as ice tea I shall have to try it properly some time. 

OK so lets talk about today's quote. I don't know why I chose it, I just liked it... and it was pretty short, so perfect title. But when we all think about we have that list somewhere in our head that we may not have even realise we had made. The more I thought about it, I realised that I did have a list, but as a strong believe in Karma, I realise that their time will come, Karma is just waiting until the right time to strike.

Ok so as for the song, I have had it stuck in my head for days. I just needed to share it. Right now I am listening to a dude called Iain Archer, don't know who he is but he sounds chill... I was listening to Matt Hires. I will share his song below.

Turn The Page - Matt Hires

I'm not going to do a challenge this week because only 3 of us post now so what's the point?

loves and hus 

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