Saturday 27 December 2014

We wish you a merry 27th of December

Hello to all! I hope you have all had a merry Christmas, and will have a happy new year! I certainly have done- it's fantastic all the family being home again!


Because of such a wonderful christmas- I haven't been able to write a post this week. I have simple been too busy- so shall tell you an excellent joke I found on tumblr instead- which does have a historical (and Christmassy!) theme.

In Moscow during the 1960s, a husband and wife were walking through a square on Christmas Eve, when the husband comments it's raining.
'Don't be silly' his wife replies 'this is clearly snow'
They argue for a while, when the husband sees a communist party officer.
'Lets ask him' the husband suggests 'because whatever he says will be right'
So they go over and ask
'Officer Rudolph- is it raining or snowing?'
He tells them it's raining.
As they walk away the husband turns to his wife and says 'I told you I was right- Rudolph the red knows rain dear'

Sorry for nothing else to day- I promise to make a better show of it next week!

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