Friday 5 December 2014

Hello Again

Hi there peeps,
I am so sorry I haven't posted in a while, but it's been a bit hectic haha So this weeks challenge is to talk about something that makes us happy. So this is hard one because SO many things make me happy, no word of a lie. I am so happy with life at the moment... But if I'd have to specify I'd say I'm most happy for my friends. They just keep me going so much!!!! With out them I don't think I'd be here today, or be the person I am today.

Banana MalkShake 

Bananas x6
Water 1.2lr

Blend these together and there you have it!

I apologies for the short post, but I have been really busy (and still am really busy) I will hopefully pick up the posted again soon, but for now, Adios 

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