Monday 8 December 2014

Go, Live Your Dream!

I have a Dream - Tangled

OK so this week I almost forgot... so I will keep it short and sweet.

This quote comes from the one and only Hazel Griffiths, who writes for us on Fridays. She will blame me for this as I was on the phone to her and we were discussing Disney and Teatox. 

So as you may know this quote is in Tangled. And it may mean something to you and to be honest, it should. If it doesn't, then it's ok you just haven't found out quite what you want to do with your life. So take as many wrong turns as you need to end up on the right track again. (I feel like I just plagiarised there... but that could also not be a quote and if so... I'm an insightful little fucker haha)

To me it's where I am right now... well almost. I am going to college to get the skills that I need to follow my dream. Hazel is also on the same course, it was great that I knew someone to go onto the course with... and even better that she is in my class. 

Right so back onto your dreams. It's ok to not know what you are dreaming. Some people just haven't figured that out yet. In fact some people never do. I have known what I have wanted to do since I was about 14 and then I realised that I had the wrong options for my GCSE... I mean come on what does Italian have to do with Photography? Absolutely nothing. Then I TRIED to pick things to help at A level. Again... I don't know how DT would have helped, but somehow I thought it would. What I am saying is, if you haven't realised your dream yet or if you don't know how to get there. DON'T WORRY, you will figure it out. 

OK girlies, this week your CHALLENGE is to Try. OK so I have no idea what I mean by this challenge. But take it how you will... I don't mean it like you need to try harder, but what ever you feel you need to try at... just go for it... I hope it goes well for ya!

Until Next week

Love and Hugs


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