Friday 14 November 2014

Hi guys... So this week I haven't made anything new, and excited for you (plus I've been quite busy), Which is why I'm writing this with 3 minutes to go!! Help!
But this week is remembrance week, and the challenge was/is to name our favorite war movie. Now I don't support (which I hope no one does) but I do do remembrance day because its important to remember those who risked their lives for ours and those who are still risking. But I don't have a favorite war movie because I don't like (I think they are boring, and can never follow them as I'll get distracted). Plus I've never ever seen the boy in the stripped pjs all the way through either.

This post seems a bit pointless, but at least I'm here writing... And I've only gone 3 minutes into saturday :/

Love you guys
Until next time

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