Sunday 19 October 2014

a clockwork Suess?!?

“today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive more youer than you”

We have been given a challenge within this week brothers, and may I say it shall be a difficult one to so I hope I am not to baddiwad with this young chelloveck!
When I first slooshy this saying I was in the bibilo and I feel in love with it. It describes jeezny and lawdies perfectly. Though some lawdies feel they are following fashion and popular lawdies, but in actual fact they are not, well not to the T anyways my brothers. You’re luscious glory will always be a different style to others and so will you’re eyes and you’re height. Brothers I feel that it’s the malencky as well as the bolshy things in jeezny that makes an individual, we are all different brothers no matter how hard we try, so embrace it and love it because “you are you”

Appy polly loggy if this nadsat was wrong a devotchka has to try! And that the blog was malencky
(Nadsat is from one of my favorute book and movie called “clockwork orange” try these websites to help you read through the blog

write soon my brothers

Lorna Droog ;) 

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