Monday 27 October 2014

Boys And Girls Of Every Age, Wouldn't You Like To See Something Strange

This Is Halloween - Panic! At The Disco
This Is Halloween - Marilyn Manson
What's This - Fall Out Boy
Nightmares Revisited (Full Album)

HEY GUYS! It's Monday and that means your weekly does of Ryon... and with that comes a song (or in this case 3 and an album). So it's 4 days until Halloween... who's excited?! I AM!!!! OK I may be 18 and yes that normally means parties and booze... not this year obviously (sober October) "Why did you do that to yourself, Ryon?" I hear you ask. WELL dear reader. I did it for charity... which I have only raised a tenner for... which is slightly disappointing but I'm too hyped for Halloween to let it bring me down. And as I sit here listening to All American Rejects (saw them live this year, Lily and Hazel know what I'm talking about) anyway... as I listen to them sing Jack's Lament I feel like it doesn't matter how much I raised for MacMillan, it's the fact that I did something for charity and I would like to do more, because I know I don't do enough. I'm sick of sitting and complaining that there aren't enough decent people in the world, when I'm not really being one myself. so I have promised myself that I am going to get more involved in Charity, and Sober October is a good way to start. But maybe not next year coz let's face it, if I get invited to a Halloween party, I will wanna drink (just saying), but that doesn't mean I wont volunteer at charity shops or do other things (just not sports... I suck t sports).

Anyway I completely went off on a ramble there. This Post is meant to be about Halloween. and as we see October draw to a close we see more and more leaves falling off the trees and covering the ground in crisp oranges and reds, luring me into a sense of security that winter is well and truly on it's way. I caught up with an old friend this week and he told me he never understood why I liked the winter so much. Well I can tell you that it is in fact not Christmas (though I do love the Christmas spirit) Is it My Nephew's Birthday? Nope. Is it My nieces Birthday? Noooo. I will tell you... it is simply because I love the cold weather. I would rather add a layer than take one off... I like feeling all warm and toasty but feeling Jack Frost nipping at your nose. And I love Autumn. The leaves on the ground blend in perfectly with the rip orange pumpkins that people leave on their front porches. I love these seasons and the Holidays that it brings. I love Halloween and painting my face all scary like. I love spending time with my family at Christmas. My mum always goes out on the dinner and it's always amazing. I love seeing the new year in and watching what ever I can find that gives me a good enough show (usually Jules Holland). Right at the end of Winter... a few days before spring begins (21st March, in case you don't know), my birthday, ok now as a kid it never used to depress me... always excited to be growing up, but now it's like 'eh another year' but not only that... it means only 5 days left before we have to start calling it spring (meaning Summer's on it's way) which leaves a very discontent Ryon. 

This week is Halloween week... whether people in this blogging group like it or not. Friday is Halloween week and that's that. Now I guess there's not really a quote this week, I just used the opening lines of This is Halloween. 

So girls this weeks CHALLENGE is find a spooky quote to go with Halloween. 
And here is Mine:
I'd say sweet dreams...but there aren't any left! - Pitch Black ~ Rise Of The Guardians

OK That quote isn't spooky, but I love that movie and who doesn't love a bit of Jude Law, even if he does voice a Villain.

Thanks for reading my rambles guys, even if I did go off on tangents every 5 seconds.

Please donate to My MacMillan Cancer page... still sober guys.

Oh By the Way in the album one, Amy Lee does Sally's song

Here is some of the face paint I have failed, and also thought I have done well with
#1 Jack
#2 crying blood
#3 cracks in the skin

Lots Of Love

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