Thursday 2 October 2014

Tough Love Thursdays- An Introduction

     Good evening homies, the names Rebekah and I'm going to be you're weekly dose of tough love.

     As this is my first time blogging I hope you'll bare with me, I tend to rant, vent and go off topic often, but ya know.... all's a learning experience and I can't wait to see how this blog will grow and flourish into something fan-fucking-tastic.

     My idea for Thursdays was to be some sort of self help thingy.... I dunno, I'd talk about something (with lots of cussing so be warned young residents of the inter-web) that's happened or affected me, we can all learn from my experience and make ourselves better people, because the worlds full of assholes, so don't be one of them. Hopefully I'll cover everything from dealing with mental health issues, be it yours or someones around you, to loving and nourishing yourself. And yes I know...... some of these subjects need to be handled with care and patience, and we'll learn how to together, but I won't be dealing out the help like that, sorry bitches, I'm here to help but I'm not a fucking saint, hence the tough love.

     So let us begin, Good Seasons Start With Good Beginnings.
     October...... ahhhh the season to be spooky, but, it's also the time of year where thousands of people start new lives,  new school year begins, uni starts, new jobs (at least they do here on the Isle of Tea). So as a student who's just left the nest (though not in the usual way, we'll probably go more into that in anyone actually reads these O_O god forbid I'm interesting) let me tell you the basic of the basics, look after yourself fuckers, mentally and physically, because unfortunately you can't rely on the people round you to. So if you won't, who will?

     Students, hear my call. Find your student support, it will come in many different forms, like in school it could be you're favorite teachers or a counselor, but do it! Just knowing where it is will be a major help if you're ever in trouble in the future, knowing that you have someone just to talk to who isn't friends or family, who's unbiased, is amazing.

     Make the right friends, my munchkins, surround yourself with people who will benefit you and from you, don't let anyone drag you down from doing whats good for you. You need to immerse yourself in you, make sure you put yourself first in all your decisions and if anyone, anyone, tells you you're being selfish and self absorbent for putting your well being before someone else, fucking drop 'em, life is short and stressful as it is, don't make it harder by letting toxic dickbags into it. Live it for you, and make the best of it. And, trying not to be patronizing, eat well, keep hydrated, ya know, all the things that keep the human bean up and running, because if you don't, so help me I will internet boot you the next week.

     Well that's all I can think of right now, I hope this helps at least one person in the big scary world of in-between child and adultness, and anyone else who needs it.

So until next week, Bye Bye Bitches.

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