Thursday 16 October 2014

After waiting for the fifth day of the week, when it came did they gleefully shriek?

Good evening internet, and tonight Rebekah will be ranting to you about body modifications, yayyyyyyy!!! (End 3rd pov here)

     What is a body mod I hear you call, well my young padawans, a body mod is any alteration you make to you're body, you're modification if you will ho ho ho. *Cough* Ahem. It could be anything from the simplest ear lobe piercing to full body tattoos. And yes, dying you're hair from it's natural colour is a mod, as well as plastic surgery.

     Now let me tell you something right fucking now, I'm all for body mods. 
You want you're belly button pierced? Do it.
You want 80% of you're body tattooed? Do It.
You want to shave half you're hair off and have the other half dyed magenta? DO IT!
You want an Aztec pattern scarred into your cheek? FUCKING DO IT!!!!!

     Why fit in when you were born to stand out? Oh Seuss, my childhood hero, I couldn't of put it better myself. Society teaches us from a very young age how we should look (more pressure for young girls, but it's there for everyone), and if we don't fit in we're freaks. Yes, there is that stage that you can be called "quirky", but if you look too different, you're singled out. People stare, which in some sense could be a good thing, I mean some of them could be appreciating you for who you are, so a couple of glances are fine, but full on point and follow with your eyes if just plain rude. Actually, completely disregard what I just said about getting whatever you want done, because you wont be able to get a fucking job. Doesn't matter if you've got a doctorate, a fucking PhD in something, sorry you wont be getting this position because you have too many ear piercings, or you have tattoos that can't be covered. FUCKING BULLSHIT!!! And you know the best thing about this? Their reasoning, usually comes in two forms:

1) It's unprofessional..... Oh I'm sorry, my suit is in perfect form, fucking military grade neat, and my shoes are so shiny you could use them for a fucking mirror,. Not to mention my A grade CV and law degree from fucking Harvard. But of course I'm completely understanding to the idea that my neck tattoos that pop up just over my collar and 20mm plugs completely make those reasons redundant, why the judge might mistake me for the convict instead of my client, ho ho ho (I know this situation is a bit over the top but you get my drift).

2)It's unhygienic.... Now just hold on a fucking second now... Unhygienic, unhygienic? This is just the cherry on top of the cake when it comes work place fuckery. Now, if per say a doctor, had many a piercings, the yes, go ahead, take them out or cover them when you're on duty, but what fucking difference does it make that she's got dreadlocks? Just tie them up and, yes you've got it, cover them. Ten points to Huffelpuff.

Deciding to make you're body a canvas for art, should not make you more unlikely to be hired.

     What people don't understand, is not everyone is born comfortable in their skin. Some are the wrong gender, others just feel bare. So they change themselves, for themselves... to feel comfortable as themselves. And society is shaming them for it. So the lesson for this week is: don't be one of the cuntnuggets who do. Don't judge people for what they decide to do to their bodies. If they want to wear their makeup that way, let them. If you're neighbour got a boob job and now she can use her chest as a table, good for her.
     And if you do find yourself doing it, and then thinking that you're a tosser for doing so, that's fine too, because I read somewhere that your first thought is what society's taught you, and your second is what you really think :)

     That's all I've got time for this week kiddos, if I don't stop now this'll end up as a dissertation of the fuckery of society. But do not worry, I have much more to say on the matter of body modifications, so what with baited breath for part 2, 3, 4 and even more (little bit of rhyming there to pay homage to ledgend of Dr. Suess). So until next week my amigos, adios <3

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