Tuesday 21 October 2014


Hello again and welcome to another Top Tip Tuesday. If you read last weeks post you will know that I've found myself in a bit of a rut with the theme of my specified day... I absolutely love makeup, but trying to make it fit into a certain bracket or theme of the week is proving quite difficult. I am finding myself talking about pretty much the same thing week in week out and its getting rather monotonous. Therefore, I've decided that until I figure out what direction Tuesdays on this blog are going in, I am just going to talk about what the weeks quote means to me and do the weekly challenge... I might throw a little makeup talk in there somewhere as well aha. Thank you all for being patient :) 

So, this weeks quote as you may already know is 'If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew.' I did just type that whilst humming the song... also, its from memory so I may have gotten 99% of the words wrong... Sorry about that. Just checked on Ryon's Music Monday post and I got it right! Stagecoach (the theatre school, not the bus service... I wouldn't trust myself to drive a bike let alone a bus aha) training has proven useful! WAHOO. 

To me, this quote is all about showing compassion towards one another and being understanding. Doing things like; holding the door for someone, or lending someone your spare pen, or saying thank you, or even just smiling at a stranger in passing. I think it's those moments that people really appreciate. After all, you never know how the other person is feeling. It isn't until you put yourself in someone else's position that you begin to somewhat understand their struggle. I remember when I had my first job, a man in a wheelchair was desperately grabbing at a jacket that was too high for him too reach. I immediately stopped what I was doing and offered to help him. He looked a little embarrassed at first but accepted my offer. I spent a good 10 minutes with the customer making sure that he had everything that he needed and said that if he needed anymore help I was close by. It wasn't pity that made me want to help that man; it was compassion. I knew for certain that if I was in his situation I would want help but would be too shy to ask someone. I definitely think that even if I wasn't working in the shop and was just a customer myself, I still would have offered assistance to that man. Whether he'd have taken it from a random person is a whole other story :) aha. 

This weeks challenge is to talk a little about your favourite movie. I have a few favourites such as: The Boat That Rocked, Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist, Mulan, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Easy A, X-Men First Class, The Amazing Spiderman, Rock Of Ages, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Calamity Jane, Overboard, How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, The Heat etc. I know some of these are musicals, but I enjoy watching the movie versions of them :). My favourite movie EVER definitely has to be 10 Things I Hate About You starring Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. What I love about this movie is that its not your typical, run of the mill - two people meet and fall in love - rom-com. It's edgy, its different, It's hilarious and all the music in it is cool :). The movie shows two perspectives of high school and the high school dating scene - the popular point of view and the rebel point of view. Gah, I just love it so much! I definitely think its a film for everyone. 10/10!

I hope you enjoyed reading this absolute ramble of a post... And as there is only 17 minutes left of Tuesday I'd better wrap it up; sharpish. Thank you for reading, I hope you've all had a lovely day!

What's your favourite movie? 

Until next time; 
Over and out, 

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