Thursday 30 October 2014

Twas the night before Halloween, and all through the town, the students were out making money though festive carnival games.... so they could get fucking wankerd the next day.

     Good evening, good evening, good evening, Becky here. Apologies for the lack of blog last week, internet problems *le sigh*. I have a feeling this weeks is going to be a bit rubbish too.... I have nothing planned to talk about so it's just gonna be what inside my head straight onto here, with no filter. This is going to be so much fun *creepy smirk*

     HALLOWEEN TOMORROW..... YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Have ya'll done your pumpkins? My pumpkin game is STRONG this year... all cheshire cat  like though I haven't worked out how to upload photos yet off my tablet onto here so you can't see :( rest assured though you fuckers got nothing on my jack-o-lantern.

     Adding to the festivities I'm now going to write in an Autumny colour....... Isn't it so pretty? I love Halloween with a burning passion (if you haven't already guessed), but since I've moved down to London there's no one to celebrate it with, none of my college buddies are particularly into it, I mean some of the have NEVER been trick-or-treating!!! Blasphemy! These peasants don't know what there missing, I going to have to start throwing annual Halloween Do's, once I get my own place, just for the excuse of buying 50 pumpkin and cooking all of the recipes fir them.

     So earlier this week Hazel (Fridays girl <3), some other friends and I went to the Thorpe Park for Fright Night, and it was awesome! We got into two of the mazes, though I'm not exactly sure why they call them this... not really much of a maze, the Cabin In The Woods one and The Blair Witch Project one (which was actually in the woods). I was pleasantly surprised by these, they were actually scary, the actors were fantastic and so was their make-up/costumes. There was also group costumes done by some park staff who walked around for people to take photos of and just adding to the atmosphere (the guys with bats, chains and one chainsaw were my favourite, they were really in character). Though we didn't get to go on that many of the rides, seriously, get the fast passes poeple, I had loads of fun and it was great spending time with everyone, especially Hazel, I loved our 45 minute ride on the Tea Cups <3 love you babe.

     Now I've actually though of something to talk about. 
Lets have a little chat about consent girls and boys. This is a magical time where you can literally wear anything, or in some party cases, almost nothing with out being wierd. Now, even in this case it does not give anyone the right to act like less of a human being, or treat someone like less of one. Wearing revealing clothing, no matter the gender, does not mean under any circumstances that they were "asking for it", I don't condone murder usually (severely injure yes) but I'll make an exception for the type of douchbaggery fucktards who thing this is an excuse. Lemme tell ya something asstown, you sexually assault someone, THERE IS NO EXCUSE. That means being drunk also can't be used, if you can't control yourself while intoxicated, you can't get intoxicated you ungodly spawn of sprouts.
YES MEANS YES... and if he/she wants to stop at any time, you stop.

    People are not objects, nor are they there for your pleasure and entertainment, so make this Halloween a good one, look after yourselves and others, have fun, scare the living crap out of the little shits down your road, but fun scare, keep in mind the things that trigger anxiety/panic attacks, not to mention epilepsy, are a big no no.

So Boys and Girls of Every Age, go out tomorrow and you're bound to see something strange, until next week my flowers, good night (you cunt weasels <3) x

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