Monday 6 October 2014

To Not Have Some Battle Scars Is To Never Have Lived

Warrior - Paradise Fears

Hey guys it's Ryon again. Here with another song for you guys, that I am actually listening to as I type... well I would if YouTube would buffer. Now for me it is currently Sunday night... and this is a Monday post. But that's OK because... as you will have realised is that this has posted on Monday. I am trying out the schedule thing. and if I find this easier I will be doing it this way from now on. 

Anyway onto the post. 

The Quote this week is 'To not have some battle scars is to never have lived' and that is a quote from this song that I have posted. I know exactly where it is through having listened to it millions of times. It is right at the end of the song. Since knowing about the band I have been in love with them. And getting to meet Sam (the singer) was amazing. It was at a concert for The Summer Set... you know the band I put in my blog last week. These guys have been there for me for months. I have listened to them everyday with out fail for about 5 months maybe 6. Since then they have brought out new songs and most of the time I can listen to them and it makes my day a little brighter. 

With this quote. To me it means that you have to go through the shit to get the awesome. It just helps if you have someone or something to help you though that shit. For me that SOMETHING has always been music, and that SOMEONE has always been Lily. Who coincidently made me love music all that much more. Through middle school we were always coming up with new band names and ideas and never following through... but we have different dreams now... ones that we are actually pursuing so all these embarrassing memories from middle school that we have are the 'battle scars' if you will but if we didn't have them then we would 'never have lived'. 

Now we are living. Well... kind of... I mean we are both still at college and I definitely have a long way to go before I achieve my dream. 

So if you are hiding you battle scars, Physical or mental, don't... our scars are what makes us unique and tells its own little story.

So remember 'To not have some battle scars is to never have lived'.

Loves and Hugs

Just a reminder I am doing sober October so please donate here: Bryony Smith

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