Tuesday 14 October 2014

Statement Lips

Hello! This weeks quote is a goodun' by Dr. Seuss; 'why fit in when you were born to stand out.' I think this quote is vital to leading a happy life. Afterall, if we were all the same how boring would the world be? 

I used to spend my time trying to fit in and stay under the radar because I was terrified of standing out. I definitely think that when I was at school standing out was perceived to be a negative thing and that if you were different you were deemed to be uncool and weird. What's wrong with being weird, eh? The important thing to remember is that you don't want to be sitting in a rocking chair as an old granny musing over things you wished you'd have done. It's better to have some embarrassing (and equally hilarious) photos of you when you went through that 'mohawk phase' or when you thought that you could pull off double denim, than to have no funny stories to show for the last 80 or so years of your life because you did everything 'right' and acted 'normal'. What even is normal? Seriously. 

Tuesdays on this blog are based around makeup and my love for the stuff. So I've decided to this week talk about one of my favourite makeup items; lipstick. 

I love a good ol' bit'o lippy. I think its perfect to just shove on when you're feeling drab to really lift your face and put some colour into it. On days when I'm not quite feeling the ticket, I'll fill in my brows and pop some lipstick on and it'll really make me feel a lot more together than I feel... However, I may still look like a red nosed, dribbling mess... just with some lipstick smeared on my face... paha. 

As the nights are drawing in and the cold weather approaches, time for dark, vampy lips is yet again upon us! WAHOO. I love a good dark lip, me. Having said this - just because its Autumn/Winter time doesn't mean you have to restrict yourself to wearing dark colours. I think Dr. Seuss hit the nail on the head to be honest. Just because something is a trend doesn't mean that you can only wear it when its fashionable. I personally wear dark lipstick all year round, come rain or shine. I think it all comes back to having the confidence to really express yourself. 

My favourite lipstick at the minute has got to be:
Topshop Fast Lane, which is quite an in your your face, almost raspberry pink - but not as dark. I love that when the shine wears off the product leaves a sort of stain on the lips. Unfortunately, I left this lipstick in a salon toilet... Because I'm a fool. But I love it so much I definitely plan on repurchasing it. Ah, I do try not to give anyone toothy grins too often whilst wearing this though as it does make my teeth look a little yellow... yikes.

It is quite important to put on a lip liner before applying lipstick as the lip liner acts as a barrier to protect the lipstick from bleeding onto your skin. Topshop also have really good lip liners - they are so creamy and apply so easily. I find that some lip liners are too dry and you really have to drag them across your lips to get them to go on. 

Anway, ramble over... for this week anyway. I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy with the concept of Tuesday's blog posts. I feel as though they never really go anywhere and that I don't have any tips for you guys. Hmm. I'll have to do a little bit of mind mapping and come up with something. 

Until next time;
Over and out, 

P.S. Has anyone started buying Christmas presents yet? I have! I'm so excited for Christmas already and it's not even Halloween.... oops. Aha.

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