Saturday 18 October 2014

Saturday for this week

OK so this is Ryon here I just want any readers that we have to know that one of our girls (the one who does Saturday duh :P) has felt like she can't keep up with all the work that she is doing and do a blog every week. So until we find someone else... or if she returns... it could happen... right? Anyway I am gonna start this off... I will then pass it on to Lily, she will pass it on to Emily and so on and so forth. I think it would be a nice idea for this weeks Saturday to so something a little different and stand out a bit... I would like to keep it in order... but I guess with schedules and everything then we might not be able to... so it might just be when we have the time... but guys it has to be before Saturday... and maybe add a little touch from your blog idea... so this is mine coming to a close I will post a song all because I am watching Pocahontas with a little horror ;) not really she's as good as gold.
Colours of the Wind - Pocahontas

Lily here. I'm a little bit at a loss for words to type as its 00:41 and I'm supposed to be doing my homework. Shh, don't tell my lecturer. Anyway, its sad to head that our Saturday girl is finding it difficult to deliver a Saturday post each week. Never the less, I wish her all the best in what she's doing and hope that she finds some spare time from the stresses of work to pop her feet up and have a cuppa every now and again. I've decided that for this little slice of Saturday I'm also going to put a song... well because, who doesn't love a good angsty song about not conforming to the norms of society? 
I remember listening to this song when I first started secondary school. I struggled to really find where I fitted in and this song really helped me to realise that school isn't about fitting in and being popular. I spent the first 4 years of secondary school wishing that I was popular. It wasn't until I let go of this silly wish that I found one of my bests friends to this day. You don't need to fit in to find happiness. If you're true to yourself, happiness will come to you. 
Until next time;
Over and out, 

                                                                          Emily here.
So, this week has been about standing out. For my little contribution to Saturday this week I am going to post a little bit of important and recent history for you. You may have been to see a beautiful film that came out this week called Pride, the (mostly) true story about how LGSM (Lesbians and Gay Men Support the Miners) aided the strike in the 1980s. The video I have posted is the REAL video created by LGSM. It's very moving, cheerful and shows how important it is to stand out and help even if you are shunned for doing so.
Take twenty minutes, watch it. I hope you are moved by it as much as me.


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