Friday 10 October 2014

Veggie Curry

Hi guys
So the quote for this week is "To not have some battle scars, is to have never lived" (I'm not saying you have to have 'battle scar' to have lived, but, yeah).
Because this quote is a rather hard you for food, and because I've been ill this week, I feel like giving a recipe for something that makes you feel better, and gives you energy, but something that is also healthy and veggie :D

Now the recipe I'm going to be giving you guys many not seem like the first choice people go to when ill, but I do and I think its amazing.

Veggie Curry

Cauliflower x1
Potato x3/4
Spinach (Large handful)
Tomato (1 tin, chopped)
Onions x2/3
Red Pepper x1/2
Curry powder
Coconut Milk (1 tin)
Veg stock cube x1 

So to start of with fry the onions until they are soft. Then add the cauliflower, potato and garlic and fry everything for about 5mins or until the potatoes and cauliflower are soft and cooked. Once everything is cooked, add the tinned chopped tomato, the red peppers and the curry powder, (with the curry powder, you can add as much or as little as you like depending on how hot you like your food).
You also add the stock cube at this point and leave to cook for another 10mins. 
After 10mins you could add the spinach, but because the spinach take minutes you can add it whenever once you've added the tomatoes.
So the last thing to add is the coconut milk, and once that's been added you cook the curry until the cauliflower and potatoes are cooked.
Now you've cooked the curry, don't forget to put some rice on and cook that until its fluffy and soft. I know how hard cooking rice is, and I'm one to talk coz we now have a rice cooking, but you are cooking a lot of rice and struggle each time I highly suggest in investing in one. but yeah anyway, Once the rice is cooked, you can heat up the curry and get stuck in.
Now this curry will taste just as good being re-heated so don't worry if you don't eat it all at once :)

I hope you like this recipe, if so comment your thoughts and any suggestion you guys might have for me to try! :)

So see you next week, lovely people of the internet.


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