Sunday 5 October 2014

Fuck it all sunday

Fuck it all Sunday!!!!
(Decided to call it that because everyone hates Sunday, shops open late and close early and around here the bells start around 6:00am so yeah fuck it all!)
Well I don’t know what the hell I am meant to write about so I’ll introduce myself!
With 5 not so interesting facts 
1) I’m dyslexic, and not the intelligent one or the one which is handy with a paint brush, nope the dump shit one, but that’s who I am and I like it (plus I get a free laptop out of it and some other pretty cool gadgets so it ain’t that bad!) so expect shit spelling and grammar J
2) I like taking photos, I am shit at it but it’s something I enjoy maybe one day I shall share them with you guys but if you do wanna see some check deviant art I’m called loonyloo1
3) I am a university student and that’s why I get a free laptop and crap YAY :D I’m doing a degree in theatre and tv performance and for our Christmas show we are doing GREASE one of the most overplayed and overdone musicals in the world today but it’s going to be fun :D so please don’t expect me to post one every Sunday because of script work, log books, and sometimes call in if we need extra reahersals, and I will be going out some Saturdays so I might not even wake up till late on Sunday mornings, I bloody hate Sundays!!!! A useless day like group chat on facebook!! 

4) I have a twin sister who was ment to do this but seeing as Sunday is kinda the only day she really has off its not fair into pressuring her to do this with a stressful job it would be nice for her to have a stress free day J

5) I’m dying from the most disgusting illness you will get when you move into uni
 So as I am writing this (which feels like my will) I am collapsed on the bed with my lovely laptop on my lap (te-he love the person who created that name oh the laughs) for you’re enjoyment J
so umm yeah enjoy the bad spelling, grammer and swearing XD its comes with not only being dyslexic but a student the swearing is a must it fits nicely with alcohol J

Good night my ginger ninjas and I’ll write soonies 

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