Saturday 25 October 2014

We Never got a Saturday D:

Well hey guys, it's Ryon again.

We never got round to actually finding someone who is nice enough to take time out of her weekend and write a blog for us on a saturday, so here I am about to schedule my blog, with my cup of tea, which I have now finished coz I kind of got distracted. But anyway... we never found a girl to fill in so I'm just gonna ramble on at you for a paragraph or 2 and call that a blog post.

Still going with my sober October. Almost had some Bailey's in hot chocolate because I  forgot that it was October for a mere second... but regained my senses before I even set a hand on it.... it's not as hard as my friends thought it would be for me... yes I do like alcohol... but I can go without... but I just like to choose when to not have it... like when I don't have the money... I have a valid excuse not to have it... coz no funds. Again that is beside the point... if I feel like alcohol I would like the choice to be there... but this month it hasn't been, yes it's been kinda frustrating but hey I got all the stuff I needed for a costume party (that's not til November). 

I have already spoken about my favourite movie... which I think are all animated coz I named more than 1. So I guess my favourite non animated one is The Fault In Our Stars. It's fairly close to the book... yes ok it's missing some vital things... but all films do when they are based off a film, but other than that it was perfect... yeah ok there was a little too much female singing on the soundtrack for my liking... but that's my own opinion.. I just prefer the roughness of the male voice... there are exceptions... and although I didnt like the singers of the songs in the movie... I cant fault them on the choice... it fit the movie... ONE problem though... not with the movie or songs or anything. I was watching X-factor with my parents... i dont like the show... but it was movie night... and one of the acts, who I have deemed fairly shite, covered Boom Clap, I HAVE ONLY JUST STARTED TO LIKE THAT SONG! They killed it... and not in the good way. 

Well I feel like I just reviewed TFIOS movie and I didnt mean to... I just really, really, really like it... yes I cried... but that's ok... but I do suggest that you watch it :)

Lots Of Love 

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