Wednesday 8 October 2014

Sorry Guys

Alright guys, it's Ryon here

This isn't a permanent thing... I am just filling in until we can find a more permanent girl to fill the spot. Unfortunately Carly has problems within her family and feel that she cannot find the time to do a post every Wednesday. I think I have found someone to fill the spot. But you know how it is... so I guess we will have to use another song on here... I don't know how I can relate to the quote any more than the song I used for Monday.

This weeks quote is 'To not have some battle scars is to never have lived' this quote means so much to me and I have plans for future weeks of other quotes that mean a lot to me. But don't worry we don't want to be too serious too soon... we want silly quotes too.

This post isn't going to be about what this quote means to me... that was Mondays post... this is more about telling people what's going on. ok so here is Battle Scars By Paradise Fears (sorry couldn't think of anything else)

Battle Scars - Paradise Fears

If any of the others would like to add onto this feel free :)

Love Ryon xx

remember my Go Sober challenge this month

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