Friday 3 October 2014

Food Friday Introduction

Hello World,
Hazel here, So I'm here to give health tip and simple recipes for all of you try. 

Now I'd just like to warn you guys that I am Vegan, so most of my recipes will be too, but they will all be Vegetarian. 
And I want to apologies in advance to anyone who thinks I'm 'preaching' on here by just doing vegan/veggie recipes, but its just my opinions and views and I'm sorry if I offend anyone. 
Every recipes I give you I will have tried myself before hand, so I can give you my personal twist to them, and anything that I think will work well or not. 

So today's blog is just an introduction, and I will start with the recipes next week, but I will give you a very, very easy meal (Which I made myself tonight).

All it is is Salad, Potatoes and veggie Sausages,
Now I prefer Linda McCartney Veggie sausages but the ones here are Fry's family (which are just as good). So the ingredients are:
-Veggie Sausages
-Potatoes (New, If possible)
-Spring Onions
-Vegetable/Sunflower Oil
-Mayo (Egg free)

So basically, Put the potatoes on to boil, and while the potatoes are boiling, chop up the Lettuce and spinach and place into a salad bowl, cut up the tomatoes, cucumber, and celery and mix them into the bowl, adding the thinly sliced spring onion. Now you can dress this salad however you want, but I like to add some balsamic and olive oil (with some salt) and then mix everything together.
The potatoes should take about 20mins, so 5(ish)minutes into putting them on, place you sausages into a pan and cook them for 15mins.
When the potatoes have cooked, drain the water and allow to cool for a few minutes. Once cooled, scoop in some of the egg free mayo and mix. 
Place everything onto a plate and enjoy.

Now this is a very simple (boring) recipe really but its so tasty and easy I feel like I have to share it as I don't see why everyone can't do this, and it's such a health meal, I don't see why everyone shouldn't do this.

I hope you liked this post, the recipes should get better, and I hope to do some seasonal stuff as well which I'm excited about.

I don't how I'm going to finish my blog each week, maybe you guys could help, but for now... Bye!


Please go check out my other blog -

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