Monday 20 October 2014

If You Walk The Footsteps of A Stranger, You'll Learn Things You Never Knew - Pocahontas

Dead Walker Texas Ranger - Sleeping With Sirens

Hello there people welcome to another Music Monday... I have given up not calling it that... because lets face it... that's what it is... I give you music on a Monday and then I tell you what it has to do with the quote and so on and so forth.

This week the song has absolutely fuck all to do with the quote but since I have a couple of Halloween songs that I would like to share (and I have already given you a Pocahontas song, I think it was the song that quote is from Colours Of The Wind jsyk) anyway... I decided that since it is Halloween next week and I have 2 or 3 Halloween songs... I wanted to share one this week and next week for definite and possibly the week after.  

This week, to me, is about giving people a  chance. for me I guess it's important I have a friend who blogs on here with me (Hazel - Food Friday) and I started college with her this year. She went last year but still, New campus, new people. I am one of those socially awkward people at first... but when I get to know people I kind of open up a bit. OK so what this has to do with Hazel is that she is the complete opposite and because I was already friend with her she was shall we say forcing me into situations where I had to speak to new people. Now I know I said forcing and that sounds horrible, but if she hadn't done that then I wouldn't have had many friends by now and that would probably be shitty because she would feel like she would have to stay with me... and it's better for both of us to have a lot of friends than for me to isolate both of us. 

I know you cant literally walk the footsteps of a stranger but I have gotten to know pretty much all of the people in my class, and as for learning things well... From Toby I learned about new festivals and things (nothing to do with my course but still a nice guy) and from Carly I have learned about these songs about Mario (cant remember the name of the artist or anything) but if I hadn't have met these strangers then a) I wouldn't have any new friends b) Hazel would probably be pissed off to hell with me and c) I wouldn't know about that stuff. 

No I know that pretty much none of that shit has to do with Pocahontas and I know it seems like I pick the quote... and at the moment to an extent yes I do... but everyone gets their say. and this week... I was the one that wanted a Disney week, but Lorna who writes Sundays gave me a better idea, because lets face it... Disney week is a little Cliché... since the quote is from Pocahontas... and Pocahontas is probably one of my favourite movies... my favourite all time being Rise of the Guardians... but of Disney, Pocahontas and Frozen are right at the top. And since we are all strangers to you, the reader, then I suggest as this weeks CHALLENGE that we all tell the readers a little about our favourite Movie. 

(Thanks Lorna for this idea... so guys... I guess... Technically, Lorna Challenges you)

Loves and Hugs 

DONT FORGET! I am still doing Go Sober for another 11 days so please donate to me at

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