Tuesday 28 October 2014

I can't believe it's almost Halloween!?

Hi everyone, Lily here once again to fill you in on all the nonsense that's floating about in my brain box. As I mentioned last week, I feel as though makeup is not the right route to take with the segment of the blog. Makeup is a huge passion of mine and I still love it dearly, I just don't think it went very well with the overall tone of the blog. So, with some help from Ryon, I have decided to rename this slice of the blog 'Off-Topic Tuesday'. I often find myself veering completely off of the point and having to bring myself back from the whirlwind of ideas and thoughts threatening to spill out all over the internet. 

This weeks theme is Halloween! I have to be honest when I say that this year I haven't been as excited about it all as I usually get. It may have a little something to do with the fact that I am going all out on Christmas gifts (as this year is the first year I've had a decent amount to spend... I know, I know, its not all about money and gifts - but I've never had the money to buy presents before so now that I do this year, I've gone a little crazy). I do, however, love this time of year. It's my absolute favourite! I love pulling the thick coat out of the cupboard, dusting it off and layering up with jumpers upon jumpers upon jumpers! Lets not forget the hats, scarves and gloves. Anyhow, even though I'm not terrible excited about Halloween, I do still love the occasion! My favourite part about it is probably dressing up. I love to really go for it on the makeup front and really try hard to be as scary as possible. Last year I went to a Halloween party as dead Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. I had bloody hand prints all over my apron and in my hair, and on my face... fake blood was pretty much everywhere! 

This weeks challenge was to give a spooky Halloween quote. I feel as though I failed on that front as my quote is neither spooky nor is it particularly Halloween related. You could very loosely link it I suppose... haha.

"I will not ask you for forgiveness. What I have done is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge. I never dreamed that I could love you so much. You stole what was left of my heart. And now I've lost you forever." - Maleficent. My sister bought this film yesterday and oh my! It has absolutely blown me away. I paints such a different picture of Maleficent compared to what we all grew up thinking. We were convinced that she was evil through and through, we never stopped to wonder how she came to be so wicked. The film really did amaze me and open my eyes to just how easy it is to be fooled. I don't want to give anything away so I'll leave it there for now. But seriously, I would highly recommend you checking this movie out if you haven't already. Disney, as always; you did good.

Until next time;
Over and out, 

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