Sunday 12 October 2014


“To not have some battle scars is to never have lived”
So this is a bloody amazing quote!!! But if you asked me just straight up what I thought of this quote I would have said that the person who came up with this is a complete dick head (this is my fave new insult if you wish to call it that, and I have also named a seagull dick head too, but that my ninjas is for a complete different time or blog if I can be arsed doing my own) but given it about a weeks thought (even though there was a chance that I would not have had a chance to write one up) and who ever thought of this is the complete opposite of a dick head…..or something XD
In some ways my dyslexic mind tells me that whoever wrote this is kinda wrong, everyone has scares and therefore everyone has lived, I get the impression that he feels that not everyone has had “battle scares” and so therefore have not lived. I feel that battle scares don’t just come from bullying, poverty, abuse and self-harming, it comes from day to day struggle, like getting stressed over an essay that is due in two hours from now and you can’t find jack shit on it, that its own scare, it can be from the frustration of not opening that beautiful pot of Nutela before you’re older siblings get to it so therefore you don’t get anything. We get them through our day to day life’s its what makes us human, its one of those things that we will get either it be through something negative as bullying to something that is in a positive aspect as the alarm not going off in the morning so you can’t have a shower. And in some ways they are a good thing, with bullying you know or remember how hard it made you’re life and how bad it is and the physical or mental side of it is still there so you will never inflict it on others, with the alarm in the morning you will remember to check it twice before going to bed and either go to bed earlier so you wake up earlier or but another alarm on 10 mins before you’re getting up alarm goes off (try it is feels amazing gives you enough time to wake yourself up!)
There is a negative side of it, and for my dyslexia brain to understand and for me to try and get it out there without confusing my lovely ninjas and myself I shall use and example of what I have gone through:
My older brother is in the army, and not only do they get physical scares they have a really bad mental scares which is called  post-traumatic stress disorder, lucky for my older brother and our family he has only experienced once (from what I know)and its horrible, it was after his first tour (not gonna disclose things like name and where because I have not really asked permition so I should not really be doing this so if I post it from my view everything should be a-okay) and his first night with us, and I rember hearing someone wake up (the walls are very thin where we life just ask hazel she will tell you) and a thud it was like 1:00 am and I heard someone run downstairs breathing really heavily and leaving the house, it turned out to be my brother he did not return for about an hour or so after.
But this can happen to anyone not post-traumatic stress disorder, but something similar where something really bad has happened and you can’t just get it out of your head.
Well that’s my thoughts feel free to disagree with me but that’s what I feel scares are not only physical but mental/emotional to and can either stay with you for two weeks, months, years or even a lifetime, but if you are suffering because of your past or current situations please talk to someone have a look at this website it has a verity of different organizations that will help you!!! Talking to someone especially a stranger who has no idea who you are really helps!!!
I love you all my ninjas and the idea of some of you not having any one to talks to breaks my heart!!!
Write soonies my ginger ninjas!!

Lorna <3 

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