Thursday 9 October 2014

Thursday love fest- A more sombre edition

     Alrighty guys, Rebekah here........ just going to put this out there right now TRIGGER WARNING: SELF HARM!!!!!!

     I was really hoping not to touch some of the more grim subjects until ya'll had settled into my deviant ways, but but this weeks quote needed it I think. 'To not have some battle scars it to never had lived', I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this one, I understand where it's coming from sure (wounds heal over, the scar reminds you so you learn from your mistakes), but it makes it seem that people who don't have these 'scars' have yet to live.... I-call-bullshit, they've just been fortunate enough to of not been through a bad experience. So for today's sake I'm changing 'battle scars' to 'imprints'.

     So what are these 'imprints' I hear thee call? Well settle the fuck down class so I can tell you, now what I'm referring to as an 'imprint' could be anything from an old memory to a scar on you knee. Notice that I haven't specified any more, what the memory is or how the scar came to be, that's because 'imprints' aren't good or bad. What they are is something that's been left with you, embedded in you very being, call it your soul if you want (if you're into that sort of thing), in the aftermath of an event that shows you have lived.

That scar on your left knee? Face planted the playground floor from running to fast at the ripe old age of six.
That smile that creeps onto your face when you smell sandalwood? You went to a perfume shop in Egypt, best holiday ever.
Avoiding a certain street corner? Something happened there that you never what to relive.
Rubbing the inside of your wrist when things get bad? A reminder that it could, and has been worse, and you'll get through it.

     This is where we need to have a personal chat my little mushrooms, someone always, let me repeat that, always, has a reason to self harm, it might be the only thing they feel they can control, something they can escape into. But you know what someone never has the right to do? Telling someone who self harms that they're over reacting? There's a special place in hell for those fuckers. Asking someone to justify why they do what they do is dick move hashtag-fucking-number-one, You know why? Because it has nothing to do with you complete dickbag. The level trust someone would have in you to tell you something so intimate, so personal, would be the equivalent that Rose had in the Doctor, but what you can ask? What can you do to help.

     Self harm is something I've had to deal with in the past, both as a bystander and otherwise. If you have someone close to you that you know or may suspect is self harming, approach them about it, because I'll be fucking damned if they don't need someone showing they fucking care. Distract them when they need it, be the shoulder for them to cry on, and for the love of all that's hole DON'T BLAME THEM! Victim blaming is the number one reason why people get away with crimes, why society doesn't deem certain crimes as vile, disgusting and life shattering as they are.

     It feels like there's a black hole sucking everything that makes you yourself out of you yourself, leaving a shell, and the only way you can tell that you're still alive is through the pain. It sucks, trust me I know, but  you have to remember that you are not alone, you can get help. Accept that shoulder to cry on, and when YOU feel you're ready, talk to someone about it, a friend, a family member, counsellor, anyone you trust to listen, so that includes pets and animals :)

     Don't push people away, remind yourself as often as you can that someone does care, even if you can't see it. And please, I'm begging you, even if you are in you're darkest hour, never take that last step. A youtuber named Anna Akana put what ever I could say in so many better words, her video's simply named 'please don't kill yourself' and I urge you to watch it.

"Death doesn't happen to you... It happen to everyone around you"
And did I just quote Teen Wolf? Yes, yes I did.

'Battle scars' are the marks on your wrists, an 'imprint' it the way your best friend still does't trust you with a razor, even three years on.

     Told you I rambled, hopefully this will make sense to whoever reads it, unless, like you don't speak english, and if so, the fuck you doin' here?

     Just remember guys that this is all MY OPINION and from my own personal experiences, everyone is different, so peoples experiences and opinions on the matter will differ, don't be a douch if they do though.

     Oh how it pains me to leave you on such a sombre note, but alas I have run out of things to shout and ramble at you. Hopefully next week we'll have a quote that has me telling you about that fact if you're less of a tosser to the world, the world will be less of a tosser to you.

     Until next week buttmunchers, love ya ;)

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