Monday 13 October 2014

Why Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out ~Dr. Seuss

Banjo - Rascal Flatts

OK I know that this weeks song is a little out of the blue and probably doesn't fit very well with the quote... but it's because it doesn't fit in that it does fit in.

Have I lost you?

Don't worry you will understand in a minute.

Basically this week is all about standing out. Whether you do that with how you act or the way you dress or both. Quite frankly it doesn't matter. I have chosen this week to do it with my song choice... and as I write this I am listening to this band... which are country by the way. 

I like country. Now I know not many people do and if they do then they are normally of an older generation. But I don't care... I am 18 and I like country and even if you like something that someone else doesn't. Having the courage to admit that and stand out from the crowd is basically what this quote is about... and who doesn't love a bit of Seuss. 

Now I must admit that I did have trouble finding a song to fit in with this weeks theme and as I was writing this sentence my phone went off with my despicable Me game wanting attention. But you see I knew which one it was because it stands out from the rest. (you know that minion that sounds like he is calling everyone a pedo?) Anyway moving on from my phone habits. I really like this quote not because it was said by a silly ass genius that brought joy to my life as a child but because it's extremely true. 

He has another 'today you are you, that's truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.' now you are right that doesn't make a lick of sense... but it sticks in your mind doesn't it? 

This is why I think that Seuss is so great (yes I did visit Seuss Landing in Islands of Adventure in Florida) but Seuss has this way of letting the immaturity take over and coming up with really important life messaged that you never think would sink in as a child.. but you don't realise how much they have actually impacted your life until you are looking for the perfect Dr. Seuss quote for your blog that week.

But I guess I went off track a little... I am pretty sure that most people have seen the Grinch around Christmas time... it's somewhat of a tradition in our house. OH! A little fact for all you Pretty Reckless fans. Taylor Momsen played Cindy Lou Who in that film. And look at her now... she could have been forever known as Cindy Lou and fit in with the norms of society... but she chose to embrace the rock chick within her. 

OK this is the cringiest thing I think I have ever written haha. But you catch my drift.

I don't really like the Pretty Reckless but it was a very easy point to make with this weeks theme. 

Anyway I'm going to get gone now... I have rambled enough. Hmmm... I think I should start challenging my fellow Bloggers for this week as I am Monday... OK GIRLS... I want you to choose one way to make you blog stand out... this week I think I am going to change the font... I always choose Arial and it's always black... and that is how I have written this blog... but I will go back and change it at the end maybe even different colours? I dunno you will already know by this point. 

well loves and hugs 

Ryon xx

OH and dont forget my sober October challenge which I am keeping up well with 

My Go Sober Profile

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