Friday 24 October 2014

Follow your Dreams

Hey All,
So this week is kinda a 'Favorite Movie Week' and the challenge is to write a bit about our favorite movie. Now I know this has nothing to do with food, but I will get to that.Okay now my all time favorite Disney movie would have to be The Jungle Book. But recently I watched Tangled and I have slowly become obsessed with it, it's so inspirational. I love the fact that the main lesson it teaches people is to follow your dreams no matter how impossible they seem at first.
It teach kids to believe in themselves and follow their hearts, and that any ideas or any random thoughts they might have aren't stupid or silly, but are possible if they believe they are possible. 

Also, I love the idea that they can keep their innocents, but still be and act mature when needed and think level headed.
It also teaches kids about love and how magic it can be when you find the right person, and that sometimes the right person may not be that obvious to begin with (and you may even hate the guy at the start) but soul-mates are soul-mates, and loves, love. Where nothing you can do can change the fact that you are in love. 


 Anyway, so because I've rambled on I'm only going to give you guys a simple recipe tonight.

Quorn Chicken

Now all I do for this is get some oil and preheat it. Once hot place the chicken pieces, which should take about 10mins to cook and start cooking the pasta, which takes approx. 10mins
Cut up the celery to desired size.
When everything is cooked (shouldn't take more then 10mins or so), throw everything together and mix in the pesto.
Serve hot and enjoy!

So my lovely people of the internet, I bid you goodnight and see you next week.
Until next time,

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