Sunday 26 October 2014

use you're bloody hands!!!!

Good morning, yes I have just woken up because of the noise round here I don’t normally go to bed till 2-5am in the morning so I am normally don’t get up till about 10-11.
I thought I would not be able to do the challenge (if it is that I’m not a 100% sure and we will get to that in a mo)  well that’s what I told the girls, I said I have to write about something important  but I have, but first let me explain then add the movie (if that makes any sense)

Since moving into student halls I have not been feeling 100% I have been ill the past 5 weeks (that’s how long I have moved here for) I have had at least something and this week it’s something to do with my tonsils/back of my throat (it’s not tonsillitis I think it’s just an over execrated sore throat.) but what ever it is my body is battling it really well (thank you white blood cells I will always be in you’re dept) but I know why this is, its because people don’t but their fucking hand over their bloody mouth when they cough!! They just let a sneeze out like it had been stuck in a prison cell for the past view days and now it is finally free they just sneeze with no tissue or anything!!!! No I do not want you’re illness!!! So please use tissues and wash you’re hands it only takes two seconds to do so!!!
I would try to make this as long as I possible but I am not feeling a 100% so my mind is not only working the dyslexic way but the ill way to so it has been a struggle and a half to concentrate during lectures and rehearsals L but the movie I am gonna link this all to is “day of the dead” (1985) I watched this as a younger ginger Tyrion Lannister and though it scared the shits out of me it is on my top list of amazing zombie movies and it is one of those movies that have inspired me to work not only infront of the camera but behind operating it to (that my tutor has also said I got a natural hand for to so that is totally awesome!!
Is if you love a good horror movie please go watch it if  you can find it on youtube but watch the 1985 version its so much better than the 2008 one!!

love you all my ginger ninjas!!

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